Let's play Leftovers which is an exciting horror game. Because your mother cooks too much, you are asked to bring the leftovers to 10 neighbors.
If you want to find interesting games like Magic Cat Academy, you should try this game. When playing this game, you will transform into a shy boy. Your mother is cooking dinner, but she realizes that the food is too much. Therefore, she required you to bring the leftovers to the neighbors. There are a total of 10 leftovers. You can return to the house when there are no more leftovers on your hands. Remember that your mother tells you that you should not talk with strangers. After completing the conversation with your mom, you need to leave your home and start to deliver the leftovers.
Here is the list of neighbors you will meet in this game.
Press the WASD keys to go around the house.
Use the mouse to look around.
Click the left mouse button to interact with the objects in the house.
Press an ESc key to open the menu.